Calvary...a place of hope, healing & wholeness
(in a nutshell)
God is the all-powerful and all-knowing
Creator who made everything that is. He
is perfect and holy. He is not only great,
though, He is also good and sustains and
provides for all that He has created.
God created us to live in a loving relationship
with him and in willing submission to his
commands. Humanity rejected a relationship
with God and rebelled against his
commands.The penalty for these actions is
death (spiritual, physical and eternal).
Jesus is the Son of God, fully God and fully human.
As such, He is the only bridge between a holy God
and sinful humanity. Through his sinless life, his
death on the cross and his bodily resurrection from
the dead, Jesus made salvation possible for sinners.
In response to the conviction of the Holy Spirit,
people are called to confess and repent of their sins
and place their trust in Jesus. In response to God’s
gracious gift of salvation, people are to offer their
lives in loving and willing service to Him.
For more information about salvation, click on the contact us link above and call or e-mail us.
If you recently trusted Jesus as your Savior, we have materials available at no charge to help you
grow in your new relationship with the Lord.
Copyright 2025 Calvary Assembly of God
PO Box 145
Cobleskill, NY 12043